Info-Board ——计分板插件
本帖最后由 克拉克星人 于 2022-1-28 16:10 编辑这是动态计分板插件,你可以自定义计分板上的信息,它支持上百个变量。
命令 权限 说明
/InfoBoard Reload InfoBoard.Reload 重载插件
/InfoBoard Hide InfoBoard.Toggle 隐藏计分板
/InfoBoard Show InfoBoard.Toggle 开启计分板
/InfoBoard Set <Pg> InfoBoard.Set 设置显示页面
InfoBoard.View 看到计分板的权限(必须要给玩家)
InfoBoard.* 所有权限
<arrow> 箭头
<nuke> TNT
<rightup> 三个点向右
Check for Updates: true #是否提示更新
Custom Variables:
<plugindev>: §6§l计分板 #计分板的标题
Disabled Worlds: #这是计分板关闭的世界
- DisabledWorld1
- DisabledWorld2
Scrolling Text:
Enable: true #是否改为动态,改成true为动态
Shift Time: 0.5#动态速度(秒)
Update Time: 2 #刷新时间 建议不要改得太低。1.0-2.5 之间就好了
Info Board:
'1': #第几个计分板
Show Time: 15 #计分板停留时间
Title: §d§l玩家信息
- '&5当前等级:&f<level>'
- '&5当前生命:&f<health>'
- '&5你的金钱:&f<money>'
- '&5你的点卷:&f<playerpoints>'
- '&5最大生命:&f<maxhealth>'
- '&5你的延迟:&f<ping>'
- '&5家的数量:&f<esshomes>'
- '&5所在的租:&f<rank>'
Show Time: 8
Title: §c§l服务器信息
- '&4在线玩家:&f<onlineplayers>'
- '&4玩家上限:&f<maxplayers>'
- '&4网络延迟:&f<tps>'
Show Time: 6
Title: §2§l联系方式
- '&b&l官方Ⅰ群'
- '&6&l233'
- '&3&l官方Ⅱ群'
- '&6&l2333'
- '&3&l赞助联系'
- '&6&l23333'
Variables.yml 插件变量
绿色的未汉化 黑色的已汉化 蓝色的正在汉化 红色的为常用变量
# ################################################
# +--------------------------------------------+ #
# | 服务器变量 | #
# +--------------------------------------------+ #
# ################################################
# <maxplayers> 最大玩家数
# <tps> 服务器TPS
# <motd> 服务器MOTD
# <servername> 服务器名字
# <usedram> 服务器使用的内存
# <freeram> 服务器的剩下内存
# <maxram> 服务器最大的内存
# <availableprocessors> 服务器可用的处理器(CPU)
# #
# ################################################
# +--------------------------------------------+ #
# | 玩家变量 | #
# +--------------------------------------------+ #
# ################################################
# <ping> 玩家的Ping
# <onlineplayers> 在线玩家
# <player> 玩家的名字
# <op> 是否是OP
# <exp> 玩家的经验
# <level> 玩家的等级
# <hunger> 玩家的饥饿程度
# <health> 玩家当前生命
# <maxhealth> 玩家最大生命
# <gamemode> 玩家的模式
# <worldname> 当前世界的名字
# <worlddifficulty>当前世界的难度
# <worldanimals> 当前世界是否允许生成动物
# <worldmonsters> 当前世界是否允许生成怪物
# <worldpvp> 当前世界是否允许PVP
# <worldplayers> 当前世界的玩家
# <time> 当前世界的时间
# <x> 玩家的X坐标
# <y> 玩家的Y坐标
# <z> 玩家的Z坐标
# <pitch> 好像是最高点
# <yaw> 不知道
# <direction> 玩家的方向
# <helmet> 玩家是否戴了头盔
# <chestplate> 玩家是否穿了护甲
# <leggings> 玩家是否穿了护腿
# <boots> 玩家是否穿了靴子
# <hand> 玩家手里拿的东西
# <helmetdurability> 玩家头盔耐久
# <chestplatedurability>玩家护甲耐久
# <leggingsdurability>玩家护腿耐久
# <bootsdurability> 玩家靴子耐久
# <handdurability> 手上物品的耐久
# <doihave&> 好像是玩家有服务器的多少权限按百分比算
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Ancient RPG 某个RPG插件变量 暂时不汉化 | #
# || #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <ancientrpgrace> | The player's race | S
# <ancientrpgstance> | The player's stance | S
# <ancientrpgclass> | The player's class | S
# <ancientrpgclasslevel> | The player's classe level | I
# <ancientrpgclassminlevel> | The player's class min level | I
# <ancientrpgclasshp> | The player's class hp | I
# <ancientrpgclassreghp> | The player's class hp regen| I
# <ancientrpgguild> | The player's guild | S
# <ancientrpgguildleader> | The player's guild's Leader | S
# <ancientrpgguildleader> | The player's guild's motd | S
# <ancientrpgguildfriendlyfire>| Does the player's guild allow friendly fire| B
# <ancientrpgguildmaxmembers>| The max players allowed in a guild| I
# <ancientrpgpartyleader> | The player's party's Leader | S
# <ancientrpgpartymaxmembers>| The max players allowed in a party | I
# <ancientrpgpartyfriendlyfire>| Does the player's party allow friendly fire| B
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Essentials 基础插件变量 | #
# || #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <esshomes> 你有多少个家
# <essmuted> 好像是玩家是否被禁言
# <esshidden> 玩家是否失明
# <essgodmode> 玩家是否是上帝模式
# <essnickname> 玩家的nick名
# <esstprequest> 你是否有TP请求
# <essvanished> 有多少人消失了?
# <essjails> 有多少个监狱
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Factions 派系插件 暂时不汉化 | #
# || #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <factionsfname> 派系名称
# <factionsfland> 貌似是派系的土地
# <factionsfpower> 派系的力量
# <factionsfmaxpower>| The factions max power | I
# <factionsfonline>| The number of players in the faction online | I
# <factionsfofficers>| The number of officers in the faction online | I
# <factionsfleader>| The factions leader | S
# <factionsfland> | The factions land | I
# <factionsfinname>| The factions the players standing in name | S
# <factionsfinland>| The factions the players standing in total land claims | I
# <factionsfinpower> | The factions the players standing in power | I
# <factionsfinmaxpower>| The factions the players standing in max power | I
# <factionsfinonline>| The number of players in the faction the players standing in online | I
# <factionsfinofficers>| The number of officers in the faction the players standing in online | I
# <factionsfinleader>| The factions the players standing in leader | S
# <factionspower> | The player's power | I
# <factionsmaxpower> | The player's max power | I
# <factionsrole> | The player's role in their faction | S
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | GriefPrevention 不知道什么插件 暂时不汉化 | #
# || #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <griefpreventionclaims> | The player's claims| I
# <griefpreventionbonusclaims> | The player's bonus claims| I
# <griefpreventionaccruedclaims>| The player's accrued claims| I
# <griefpreventionremainingclaims>| The player's remaining claims| I
# <griefpreventionspamcount> | The player's spam count| I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Heroes 不知道什么插件 暂时不汉化 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <heroesmana> | The Heroes' mana | I
# <heroesmaxmana> | The Heroes' max mana | I
# <heroeslevel> | The Heroes' level | I
# <heroesmanaregen> | The Heros' mana regen | I
# <heroesismaster> | Is the Hero is a master in their class| B
# <heroespartyleader> | The Heroes' partys leader | S
# <heroespartysize> | The Heroes' party size | B
# <heroespartyisnopvp> | Is the Heroes' party prevent pvp | B
# <heroesclass> | The Heroes' classes' name | S
# <heroesclasstier> | The Heroes' classes' tier | I
# <heroesclassbasehealth> | The Heroes' classes' base healthI
# <heroesclassbasemana> | The Heroes' classes' base mana| I
# <heroesclassexpchange>| The Heroes' classes' exp modifier| I
# <heroesclassexploss> | The Heroes' classes' exp loss| I
# <heroesclassmaxlevel> | The Heroes' classes' max level | I
# <heroesclassismaster> | Is the Player is a master in their class| B
# <heroesclass2> | The Heroes' classes' name | S
# <heroesclass2tier> | The Heroes' classes' tier | I
# <heroesclass2basehealth>| The Heroes' classes' base healthI
# <heroesclass2basemana>| The Heroes' classes' base mana| I
# <heroesclass2expchange> | The Heroes' classes' exp modifier| I
# <heroesclass2exploss> | The Heroes' classes' exp loss| I
# <heroesclass2maxlevel>| The Heroes' classes' max level | I
# <heroesclass2ismaster>| Is the Player is a master in their class2| B
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Infected不知道什么插件暂时不汉化 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <infectedplaying> | How many players are playing | I
# <infectedpoints> | The player's points | I
# <infectedscore> | The player's score | I
# <infectedkills> | The player's kills | I
# <infecteddeaths> | The player's deaths | I
# <infectedhighestkillstreak>| The player's highestkillstreak | I
# <infectedgamestate> | The gamestate | S
# <infectedactivearena> | The activearena | S
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Jobs 不知道什么插件 暂时不汉化 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <jobsin> | How many jobs you have | I
# <jobstitle#> | The jobs title(Replace # with a number ) | S
# <jobslevel#> | The jobs level(Replace # with a number ) | I
# <jobsexp#> | The jobs exp(Replace # with a number ) | I
# <jobsmaxlevel#> | The jobs max level(Replace # with a number ) | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | LWC锁插件 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <lwclocks> 好像是当前箱子是否已上锁
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | mcMMO mcMMO技能插件 | #
# || #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <mcmmopowerlevel>玩家能力等级
# <mcmmoacrobatics>玩家杂技等级
# <mcmmoarchery> 玩家弓箭等级
# <mcmmoaxes> 玩家斧头等级
# <mcmmoexcavation> 玩家挖掘等级
# <mcmmofishing> 玩家钓鱼等级
# <mcmmoherbalism> 玩家草药学等级
# <mcmmomining> 玩家开采等级?
# <mcmmorepair> 玩家维修等级
# <mcmosmelting> 玩家冶炼等级
# <mcmmoswords> 玩家剑术等级
# <mcmmotaming> 玩家驯服等级
# <mcmmounarmed> 玩家搏斗等级
# <mcmmowoodcutting> 好像是斧头特技等级
# <mcmmomaxpowerlevel> 不知道
# <mcmmomaxmaxacrobatics> 最大杂技等级
# <mcmmomaxmaxarchery> 最大弓箭等级
# <mcmmomaxaxes> 最大斧头等级
# <mcmmomaxexcavation> 最大挖掘等级
# <mcmmomaxfishing>最大钓鱼等级
# <mcmmomaxherbalism> 最大草药学等级
# <mcmmomaxmining> 最大开采等级
# <mcmmomaxrepair> 最大维修等级
# <mcmomaxsmelting> 最大冶炼等级
# <mcmmomaxswords> 最大剑术等级
# <mcmmomaxtaming> 最大驯服等级
# <mcmmomaxunarmed>最大搏斗等级
# <mcmmomaxwoodcutting>最大斧头特技等级
# <mcmmonextpowerlevel> 不知道
# <mcmmomaxmaxacrobatics 杂技经验
# <mcmmomaxmaxarchery> 箭经验
# <mcmmomaxaxes> 头经验
# <mcmmomaxexcavation> 掘经验
# <mcmmomaxfishing>钓经验
# <mcmmomaxherbalism> 草学经验
# <mcmmomaxmining> 开经验
# <mcmmomaxrepair> 维修验
# <mcmmomaxsmelting> 冶炼经
# <mcmmomaxswords> 剑术经验
# <mcmmomaxtaming> 驯服经
# <mcmmomaxunarmed>搏斗经
# <mcmmomaxwoodcutting>斧头特技经验
# <mcmmoparty> 组队玩家数量
# <mcmmopartyleader> 团队队长
# <mcmmopartyexpshare> 不知道
# <mcmmopartymembers>不知道
# <mcmmopartymemberson>| 不知道
# <mcmmogodmode> 不知道
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | McTowns 不知道什么插件 暂不汉化 | #
# || #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <mctownshastown> | Does the player have a town | B
# <mctownstowns> | How many towns is the player in | I
# <mctownsname#> | Town #'s name (Replace # with a number ) | S
# <mctownssize#> | Town #'s size (Replace # with a number ) | I
# <mctownsresidents#>| Town #'s residents(Replace # with a number ) | I
# <mctownsmayor#> | Town #'s mayor (Replace # with a number ) | S
# <mctownsterritories#>| Town #'s territories(Replace # with a number ) | I
# <mctownsassistants#>| Town #'s assistants(Replace # with a number ) | I
# <mctownsfriendlyfire#>| Does Town # Allow friendly fire(Replace # with a number ) | B
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Minigames 不知道什么插件 暂不汉化 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <minigamesdeaths> | Your deaths | I
# <minigameskills>| Your kills | I
# <minigamesscore>| Your score | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Multiverse 多世界插件 | #
# || #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <multiversealias> 当前世界的名字(别名)
# <multiverseprice> 玩家世界价格?shen me gui
# <multiverseautoheal> 不知道
# <multiversehunger> 不知道
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | OnTime 在线时间 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <ontimetotalplay> 玩家的总游戏时间
# <ontimetotalplayformated> 玩家的总游戏时间(格式化的)
# <ontimetotalvote> 玩家的总票数
# <ontimetotalrefers>| The player's total refers | I
# <ontimetotalpoint> | The player's total points | I
# <ontimemonthplay> | The player's month play time | I
# <ontimemonthplayformated>| The player's month play time(Formated) | S
# <ontimemonthvote> | The player's month votes | I
# <ontimemonthrefers>| The player's month refers | I
# <ontimetodayplay> | The player's today play time | I
# <ontimetodayplayformated>| The player's today play time(Formated) | S
# <ontimetodayvote> | The player's today votes | I
# <ontimetodayrefers>| The player's today refers | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | PlayerPoints 点卷插件 | #
# || #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <playerpoints> 你的点卷
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | PlotMe 地皮插件 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <plotmeplots> 玩家有多少个地皮
# <plotmeinid> 玩家地皮的ID
# <plotmeinowner> 当前地皮的主人
# <plotmeincomments> 有多少人评论这个地皮
# <plotmeinbid> 不知道
# <plotmeinbidder> 不知道
# <plotmeinfinished> 不知道
# <plotmeinforsale> 不知道
# <plotmeid#> 地皮的ID 一号[ 1 ]取代#)你得有多个地皮
# <plotmebid#> 不知道
# <plotmecommnets#>这个地皮的所有评论
# <plotmebidder#> 不知道
# <plotmefinished#>不知道
# <plotmeforsale#> 不知道
# #
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | PrisonRankup 不知道什么插件 暂不汉化 | #
# || #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <prisonrankuprank> | Your Rank | S
# <prisonrankupnextrank>| Your Next Rank | S
# <prisonrankuprankprice> | Your Next Rank's Price | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | PvpArena懒得汉化 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <pvparenaarenaname> | The player's current Arena's name | S
# <pvparenaarenaowner> | The player's current Arena's owner | S
# <pvparenaarenaprefix>| The player's current Arena's prefix | S
# <pvparenaarenaround> | The player's current Arena's round | I
# <pvparenaarenateams> | The player's current Arena's teams | I
# <pvparenastatskills> | The player's kills | I
# <pvparenastatsdeaths>| The player's deaths | I
# <pvparenastatsdamage>| The player's damage done | I
# <pvparenastatsdamagetaken>| The player's damage taken | I
# <pvparenastatslosses> | The player's losses | I
# <pvparenastatswins> | The player's wins | I
# <pvparenastatsmaxdamage> | The player's max damage done | I
# <pvparenastatsmaxdamagetaken>| The player's max damage taken | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | PVPStats 懒得汉化 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <pvpstatskills> | The player's kills | I
# <pvpstatsdeaths> | The player's deaths | I
# <pvpstatsmaxstreak>| The player's current streak | I
# <pvpstatsstreak> | The player's max streak | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Simple Clans 懒得汉化 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <simpleclanskills> | Your kills (civilian + neutral + rival)| I
# <simpleclansciviliankills>| Your civilian kills | I
# <simpleclansneutralkills> | Your neutral kills | I
# <simpleclansrivalkills> | Your rival kills | I
# <simpleclansrank> | Your rank | S
# <simpleclansweightedkills>| Your kills in sucession(I think... Tell me if i'm wrong...) | I
# <simpleclanskdr> | Your kill/death ratio | I
# <simpleclanstag> | Your tag | S
# <simpleclansclanaveragewk>| Your clans average WK(No clue what that is...) | I
# <simpleclansclanbalance>| Your clans balance | I
# <simpleclansclanfounded>| How long ago your clan was founded (Seconds)| I
# <simpleclansclansize> | How big your clan is| I
# <simpleclansclandeaths> | How many deaths your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclankdr> | Your clans' Kill/Death ratio| I
# <simpleclansclankills> | How many kills your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclantag> | Your clans' tag| S
# <simpleclansclancivilians>| How many civilians your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclanneutrals> | How many neutrals your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclanrivals> | How many rivals your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclanmembers>| How many members your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclanallies> | How many allies your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclanmembers>| How many members your clan has| I
# <simpleclansclanonline> | How many online clan members your clan has| I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Skillz 懒得汉化 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <skillzacrobatics> | The player's Acrobatics level | I
# <skillzarchery> | The player's Archery level | I
# <skillzaxescombat> | The player's Axes level | I
# <skillzdigging> | The player's Digging level | I
# <skillzfarming> | The player's Farming level | I
# <skillzmining> | The player's Mining level | I
# <skillzswimming> | The player's Swimming level | I
# <skillzswordscombat> | The player's Swords Combat level | I
# <skillzunarmedcombat>| The player's Unarmed Combat level | I
# <skillzwoodcutting> | The player's Woodcutting level | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Stats 懒得汉化 | #
# || #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <statskills%> | The player's total kills on %(Replace % With either an entity name or "all") | I
# <statsdeaths%> | The player's total deaths by %(Replace % With either a cause or "all") | I
# <statsplaced%> | The player's total block places of a block with the id of %(Replace % With either a block id or "all") | I
# <statsbroken%> | The player's total block broken of a block with the id of %(Replace % With either a block id or "all") | I
# <statstime> | The player's total playtime | I
# <statstimeformated>| The player's total playtime(Formated) | S
# <statsmove> | The player's total movements | I
# <statsarrows> | The player's total shot arrows | I
# <statsjoins> | The player's total joins | I
# <statsfish> | The player's total fish caught | I
# <statsdamagetaken>| The player's total damage taken | I
# <statskicked> | The player's total times kicked | I
# <statstoolsbroken>| The player's total tools broken | I
# <statseggs> | The player's total eggs thrown | I
# <statsitemscrafted>| The player's total items crafted | I
# <statsate> | The player's total times eating | I
# <statsonfire> | The player's total time on fire | I
# <statswords> | The player's total words said | I
# <statscommands> | The player's total commands done | I
# <statsvotes> | The player's total time voted(Uses Votifier) | I
# <statsworldchanged>| The player's total times changing worlds | I
# <statsbucketfill>| The player's total buckets filled | I
# <statsbucketsempty>| The player's total buckets emptied | I
# <statsbedenter> | The player's total times entering a bed | I
# <statsitemdrops>| The player's total items droped | I
# <statsitempickups>| The player's total items picked up | I
# <statsteleports>| The player's total times teleported | I
# <statsshear> | The player's total times shearing something | I
# <statsxpgained> | The player's total xp gained | I
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Towny 懒得汉化 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <townyname> | The towns name | S
# <townytitle> | The player's title | S
# <townynation> | The towns nation | S
# <townyresidents> | The towns residents | I
# <townyfriends> | The player's friends | I
# <townybank> | The player's bank | I
# <townytag> | The towns tag | S
# <townymayor> | The towns mayor | S
# <townysize> | The towns size | I
# <townypvp> | Is the towns pvp allowed | B
# <townyopen> | Is the town open | B
# <townypublic> | Is the town public | B
# <townyexplosion> | Is the town explosion proof | B
# <townyintown> | The town the player's in | S
# <townyinmayor> | The town the player's in mayor | S
# <townyinresidents> | The town the player's in residents | I
# <townyinsize> | The town the player's in size | I
# <townyintag> | The town the player's in tag | S
# <townyinpvp> | The town the player's in pvp allowed | B
# <townyinopen> | The town the player's in is open | B
# <townyinpublic> | The town the player's in is public | B
# <townyinexplosions>| The town the player's in are explosions allowed | B
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | VanishNoPacket隐身插件 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <vanishhidden> 玩家是否隐身
# <vanishonline> 隐身的玩家
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | Vault 经济插件 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <money> 玩家当前有多少节操
# <rank> 玩家所在的用户组
# <vaultcurrencyplural> 货币代号
# <vaultcurrencysingle> 货币符号
# #
# ######################################################
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# | World Guard 世界保护 | #
# | | #
# +--------------------------------------------------+ #
# ######################################################
# <worldguardinid> 所在地区的名字
# <worldguardinowner> 所在地区的主人
# <worldguardinvolume>所在地区的面积
# <worldguardinmembers> 貌似是所在地区的成员
# <worldguardinflag%> 不知道
# #
666666666666666 哈哈哈哈哈或或或或或或 666666666666666666666666666666666 23333333333333333
感谢楼主大大的无私分享 666666666666666666666666 666666666666666666 565656565656565656565 1222222222 正需要,谢谢分享
这个插件真的好啊 66666666666666666666666 DSADWDQDQWDQWDQ 66666666666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666 这1块的买的激活码值了666
66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 计分板,好评~ 1111111111 666666666666666
没法回复??? 666,找了好久终于找到了 可以,需要。
666666666666666 666666666666666 感谢分享。。。。。。。。。。。 66666666666666 6666666666666 6666666666666666666666 ...
........................ 66666666
6666666666666 555.......... 那个钱怎么显示不出来 66666666666666
6666666666666 666666666666666666666 666666666666666 可以的 非常好用